Ok, so first post... Huzzah!
We've survived our first two months in business and it has been a WILD time. Firstly, a humongous THANK YOU to all our awesome customers who have been SO supportive and encouraging. It's super-scary to start a business and not know what kind of reception you'll get from people and I'm tickled pink to say that y'all have given us a fantastic welcome.
Now, a word (actually 162 words) about the blog... the main purpose of this blog is to have a good vehicle for feedback from our favorite people (aka our customers). I know that no matter how much you like us, there will always be things that need improvement. things we can be doing better, and new things that maybe none of us have even dreamed up. We want to hear all about it!
The secondary purpose is to give everyone a sort of inside peek at the shop. If you've been in our shop, you know we're big fans of having everything out in the open, so it seemed natural to have a blog to air all the news and goings-on.
We'll have posts from various members of the Muddy's gang that will really cover a number of topics from baking to shop news to personal news to things we think are just really awesome; it's sort of a supplement to our newsletter.
So, that said, I guess we have lift-off!!!