Muddy's Secret Recipes for Success

Muddy's Secret Recipes for Success

As grown ups, we are expected to effectively give & receive feedback, know when to lead and when to follow, inspire & motivate others (and ourselves), and basically, have our s*** together... 
And yet, most of us are never actually taught HOW to do any of that!  Were we just supposed to get it through osmosis or something?

At Muddy's, we teach staff workshops to set employees, and by extension the whole team, up for success.  Each workshop shares "recipes" & tools to demystify the essentials of leadership, feedback, service, life planning, and more.  Over the last few years, it's been a joy to share these resources with other local teams, including Fedex, UT School of Optometry, schools & nonprofits, and more.

Now YOU can experience them too!
In our Work/Life classes you'll learn some of our favorite “secret recipes”... behind-the-scenes habits & tools that underpin HOW we make the Muddy's magic!

What's available this summer?

  • Hospitable Leadership--  Sat June 12
    Find out what effective leaders have in common with great hosts! Gain a set of tools you can use to lead with impact at work, home, and more. This is a great class for folks in all levels of leadership and the content is adaptable to different leadership styles-- it's not saying "this style is right, this is wrong", rather, we focus on solid foundations to apply to any style and in many different settings.

  • Fearless Feedback-- Thu June 17
    If giving or receiving feedback makes your palms sweat and heart race, this one is for you.  We're all expected to give & receive feedback as part of our jobs, but few of us are ever actually taught how-- so we fumble, screw up, or worse, just avoid it entirely.  This is a super simple, super effective approach to feedback that has made a huge difference in helping us create a healthy feedback culture at Muddy's. 

  • Visioning Master Class (3 part series)-- Wed June 16, 23, & 30
    Visioning is a magic key that unlocks many doors; learn to identify, clarify, communicate, and then GET what you truly want.  The masterclass series consists of our original "vision basics" class PLUS an additional two sessions where we'll workshop your vision, share additional tools for discernment, and get you rolling on implementation.  This cohort style class will not be offered again until 2022!


Learn the “secret recipes” for our team’s success!  Each class is virtual, but live, and class sizes are intentionally small so that you have plenty of opportunity to ask questions, engage with the content, and get individual attention.   FAQ about our Work/Life virtual classes here.

Each Class Includes:

  • A brief overview of how & why we developed the content.
  • A printable PDF workbook to follow along & take notes, as well as follow up resources, tips, examples, and recommended reading.
  • A primary instructor AND a facilitating “sidekick” to help with Q&A 
  • Lots of opportunity for questions, conversation, and diving into the material. 

Most of these classes will not be offered again until late 2021 or early 2022.

Hope to see you soon!

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