Fun House: S2, Ep 5... Cardamom Butter Cookies & a visit with Yo!

Fun House: S2, Ep 5... Cardamom Butter Cookies & a visit with Yo!

Welcome to Muddy's Fun House: Super Fantastic At Home Bake-a-long and Variety Show... with your host, Kat from Muddy's!

(New to the Fun House? Here's a little FAQ about the show)

In S2; Ep 5, we have fun with spices! Learn to make cardamom butter cookies and meet a yogi who makes hospitality part of her yoga practice. We also share some tips for choosing your rolling pin soulmate.

Yay for our patrons on Patreon!
They make this show possible AND they get some fun perks too.

Without further ado... here's our episode!

Ingredient List for the Bake-a-long:

450 g (3 cup) all purpose flour
3⁄4 lb (1 1⁄2 cup) butter, softened/room temp
1⁄2 tsp ground cinnamon
2-3 Tbl ground cardamom
130 g (1 cup) powdered sugar
1⁄2 tsp salt
1 tsp vanilla extract
a little milk & raw sugar (optional)

Show Notes for this Episode:

  • Patreon supporters, be sure to snag your PDF of the recipe on our Patreon page.   Not a supporter yet? Become a patron here

  • Bake-a-long chapter begins at 1:37
    --Need flour, butter, and baking essentials... and more? Check out our kitchen provisions "order ahead pop up"
    --Learn loads more about spices & flavors with The Flavor Bible.
    --Tips for choosing a rolling pin at 22:32.  This is the one I like to use (I'm 5'9" with relatively broad shoulders) and this is a good one if you want some help rolling your dough to consistent thickness.
    --Hey Patrons, be sure to check the Patreon page for your PDF of the recipe AND some special bonus videos on ingredient prep :)
  • A Visit with Yo of Any Body Yoga begins at 35:56
    --hear a special story about travels to India and let Yo walk you through a relaxing deep breathing exercise
    --sign up for one of Yo's live zoom classes here

  • Wrap Up & Birthday Wishes at 47:04

  • Submit a question for a future "mail bag" portion! 
    Email kat(at) or send a real letter (yay!) to 
    Muddy's Bake Shop attn: Fun House 
    2497 Broad  Ave #101 Memphis, TN 38112

  • Participating while you watch?
    We'd LOOOOVE to see! Tag us @muddysbakeshop and/or use #muddysfunhouse

  • Special mad props to: 
    Kirby for always amazing end credits; Yo Clarke for recipe inspiration and sharing her techniques; and, of course, all our wonderful patrons on Patreon!

Heads up: A few of the product links are affiliate links. But I ONLY link a specific product if I absofruitly love it and wholeheartedly recommend it!

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