Set Yourself Up for Success by Avoiding These 5 Mistakes When Pre-ordering Online!
This is a busy season and you probably have a LOT on your plate! Your to-do list is longer than Santa’s beard and it’s easy to get flustered & distracted... and that’s when mistakes happen!
Not to worry, we wanna help by providing some simple ways to ensure that your order goes SUPER smoothly! Here are the most common pre-ordering mistakes that happen (especially for online orders)— and more importantly, how you can avoid them!
1 - Trying to Order Online for Today/Tomorrow
Our online system won’t accept orders with less than 2 days’ notice. Need something on quick notice? Give us a call so we can help you quickly! 901-683-8844
2 - Shopping While "Multi-tasking"... aka Not Paying Attention
Sadly, we aren’t mind-readers and when an order is placed on our website, we have to trust that the information you entered is in fact what you wanted. That means it’s SUPER important to single-task when choosing pickup date, inscription spelling, etc. (personal confession: I recently ordered the same sweater in the wrong size -TWICE- because I kept trying to "multi-task"...)
3 - Ignoring the Confirmation Email
Savvy shoppers check the confirmation email to ensure correct date, time, etc.and get the info they need for successful pickup!
4 - Forgetting the Pickup Date
Yes, it happens, but we don't want it to happen to you! Pro tip: Make a calendar appointment in your calendar to remind you of your pick-up date & time slot.
5 - Sending a pickup helper without the info
If someone is picking up for you, be sure to give them our correct address, your pickup date & time, and name the order is placed under. Maybe forward them your confirmation email so they have an easy reference!
Hopefully this is a helpful resource to set you up for order success. We want you to be thrilled with your experience and will always do our utmost to ensure it. We are also SO VERY GRATEFUL for your business and THANK YOU so much for choosing Muddy’s!
xo, Kat & the gnomies!
Muddy’s is OPEN Wed-Fri 10am-5:30pm and Sat 10am-4pm PLUS 10am-4pm on Mon Dec 23 & Tue Dec 24 !